Thursday, April 23, 2009


This round of chemo is making me less sick than usual, but I'm awfully tired. Can't keep my eyes open sometimes. And my brain is a little fragmented again. I'm continuing to be able to walk more, though the new pain in my hip bothers me here and there. The news from the oncologist: my blood marker for bone mets (alkaline phosphatase) is higher still, but she continues to think it's an anomaly. White-blood-cell count is good; no bad liver markers, no hypercalcemia. She's decided to give me an injection next week of a drug called Zometa, which is meant to strengthen bones that have malignancies in order to prevent fractures.

I only learned through talking to friends that the cause of my hyperness in the past two chemo rounds is actually the steroid I have to take for three days after the injection (dexamethasone). So I'm looking forward to another night soon of being energetic enough to clean my house at 3 a.m. Slept pretty well last night, though.

A pretty big Pollyanna moment this week: the National Magazine Awards nominations were announced, and I have not only been nominated for one of my articles, but I am to receive an award for outstanding achievement. Kind of made my day!

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