Friday, May 08, 2009

Calm before storm

Am I running out of things to say? I'd rather say nothing than give a daily report that simply says the same thing I said the day before. But no news is good news, healthwise; this past week has been my "good week," when my stomach feels relatively normal and my ability to concentrate is much improved. Mostly I'm just tired and constantly wanting to nap. At least I can nap. And though my back continues to hurt quite a lot, I can get around fairly well, and sit in different kinds of seats without too much difficulty.

But on Tuesday I go back for round four of chemotherapy, this time taking Docetaxel for the first time, so I don't know what to expect. And worse, I have to take double the amount of steroids I was taking with the earlier injections (because I mistakenly took only half the dose then and got away with it). Apparently a minority of patients have a sudden bad reaction to Docetaxel, so the steroids are imperative.

Most of the past week has been taken up with concern over my parents since my dad entered a neurobehavioural unit at a hospital in Kitchener for a temporary stay. He has Lewy Body Dementia, and it's heartbreaking for our family, most of all for my mother.

Pollyanna moment: I got to see my 11-year-old niece sing in the only remaining Kodaly Festival concert in Canada. With nearly 500 other young voices in Kitchener's Centre in the Square, it was lovely to hear. And I could sit in the seat without even a back support!

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