Tuesday, November 24, 2009

More waiting....

After five radiation treatments last week, I am experiencing the predicted fatigue, though not the sore throat. I can barely make it up the stairs. Who knows how much of it is the many medications I'm on? It's a terrible trade-off; I have only a little pain, and I can sleep quite well. But I'm so woozy. Meanwhile, I'm keeping one ear cocked for the phone, assuming that if the CT and MRI scans I had a week ago show anything scary, my doctor will call me at home. Waiting, waiting, waiting....

The numb pressure under my breasts continues, meanwhile, and swallowing is still a mini-ordeal. I'm afraid to weigh myself; the pounds are melting away. But I stopped taking the misoprostol, the drug meant to protect my stomach that gave me stomach cramps. My appetite is getting poorer and poorer as long as I'm upright -- when I lie down, I'm starving.

Last month, I finally took advantage of my prize for receiving the National Magazine Awards Outstanding Achievement honour: a photo portrait session with a photographer of my choice. (I waited until I had a little hair.) So I guess I'll post the best shot here. It's by Eden Robbins.

On a related topic: Kudos to my cousin Shane Brouse of Los Angeles (or thereabouts), who recently went to New York to pick up a silver Clio Award for his interactive website LiveWithIt.com. Good on you, Shane! (That's him on the left.)


Vanessa said...

beautiful pic, cynthia!

Rebecca said...

Hi Cynthia,
I'm still here following you on your journey and it's a very bumpy ride. That's a very nice portrait. You can get away with little hair with your sweet face.

Yes, Kudos to Shane. I have so many talented awesome cousins.

Thinking of you.